Tuesday, April 27, 2010

horse chestnut

languid droop of leaves
belies the time of year

abandoned in the street
unfeasibly green
against the grey


like wing-fold of newborn moth

belies the rushing surge of sap
the coming stretch and flex




Brian Miller said...

nice play on the words...

Jasmine said...

Beautiful. I stumbled across this place. i had no idea you played here too Sally. Beattiful pictures and imagery xxJ

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

awesome job!
Glad to see you shine on poetry.
Happy Sunday,
Happy Monday Ahead!

annell4 said...

I liked this piece. And I think there was a tree like that in my Grandmother's yard? Thanks....even if not, you made me think of my Grandmother and the tree in her front yard.

annell4 said...

Lettuce, I would like to follow your blog, but I don't see the follow thing?

Meri said...

I love "the coming flex and stretch." And just overall. . . no, not self-indulgent or whatever other self-deprecating things you say about your writing in your blog headline.

Tom said...

such a lovely tree. love the spring blooms as well

lettuce said...

annell, sorry I've onbly just seen your comment (I don't often visit here!)

I'm still on old blogger here, I expect thats why. I think you should be able to put the URL in manually to add it to your list of blogs you follow though.

and thanks everyone for your comments!

I pass horse chestnut trees all the time on the way to and from work, I just love them.

This disease

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