Thursday, April 19, 2007


up and down
round and about
rollercoaster speed lurching heart-in-the-mouth

reality the whooshing sensation
giddy speed

clarity reality sharp detail in the moment
time suspended

still silence of experience
muffling the blurry busy noise otherness out there

at a different pace
in another place

swings and roundabouts

backwards and forwards

up and down
back and round again

here we go

hang on


hard to relax when holding on for dear life

hard to smile

holding on to


1 comment:

Cream said...

The rollercoaster eventually comes to a halt. Jumping off is hard but the bruises heal...

This disease

a bruising trebuchet battering at your fortress attacking from within Insidious  conjured unforseen  unbidden catastrophic sneaking from som...