Friday, October 28, 2022



I saw a moment caught
and thought of you
A spider's thread holds fast 
and true
A leaf does not let go
And such is love 
at times 


Saturday, October 15, 2022

Why put it out there?

I find myself writing poetry again just now - once more in a situation of grief, pain and anxiety. The words just come, the poems form themselves and edit themselves in my brain. Its mysterious to me, but omehow it happens, and somehow it helps.

So why do I 'put it out' here in this place?  Why not just keep a journal, as a not-so recent commenter asked?

I really don't know. But it makes a difference to me.

Maybe its something to do with making this somehow part of a larger reality, and not only a feeling and emotion within my own head and heart...

Maybe because I've found writing in other online places that has resonated, moved me, helped somehow, comforted, inspired.  In which case its about sparking connections, which matters to me - even when I'm not aware of how or when such connections might occur....

Whatever the reason, the words that have emerged from my currently rather distracted, bruised, struggling mind, are likely to find themselves here before long.

And maybe, one day, I'll find myself writing less limp and more cheerful crispy words!

This disease

a bruising trebuchet battering at your fortress attacking from within Insidious  conjured unforseen  unbidden catastrophic sneaking from som...